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  2020-02-12 20:29    阅读 收藏

The BRICS countries support the firm commitment and decisive efforts of the Chinese Government to combat the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic. They express deep sympathy and support for all whose families are in mourning and wish a speedy recovery to those who are ill.
The BRICS countries are ready to cooperate closely with China  and calls for the international community to strengthen cooperation within the WHO framework, in order to prevent, protect and control regional and global public health safety, providing a coordinated public health response to the epidemic outbreak.
The BRICS countries commit to work together in a spirit of responsibility, solidarity and cooperation to bring this outbreak under control as fast as possible. They underline the importance of avoiding discrimination, stigma and overreaction while responding to the outbreak.
They support strengthening of scientific research cooperation on infectious diseases that pose threat to public health, as well as of joint efforts to detect, prevent and control pandemic infections using modern methods and technologies, including test systems, developed in BRICS countries.
The BRICS Chairmanship acknowledges that China expressed its appreciation for the friendly support of the BRICS partners and constructive cooperation on this matter to ward off this shared threat as soon as possible.





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